Las Vegas Flipperspieler League
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LVFL Results and Statistics

  • 3 leagues
  • 11 seasons
  • 83 players
  • 46 machines
  • 95 meets
  • 392 groups
  • 5,532 scores


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Las Vegas Flipperspieler League

Results and Stats

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Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

Current Season Preplays

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Las Vegas Dolls with Pinballs

Results and Stats

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Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

Current Season Preplays

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Las Vegas Flipperspieler Alt League

Results and Stats

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Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

Current Season Preplays

Preplay Sheet - Preplay Blank


Badge Leaders

Sean Stewart72
Joe Anthes59
Adam Barajas56
Tom Neighbors54
Emily Wydeven46
...complete list...

Uncommon Badges

Try to earn these!

Badger Badger

Sean Stewart has this.
Photo Finish Photo Finish

Kendal Haynie has this.
Bullseye Bullseye

Weston Gilmore has this.

League Manager Created By
League Manager Produced By
Free State Pinball Association
Web Hosting Donated By